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Fire Safety Training for Employees at HVR MAG

2021-10-09 1819 FOLLOW HVR MAG

We all know that fires destroy property, cause injuries, and take lives. It's a very real and dangerous threat to any workplace. To improve the awareness of fire safety among employees, and to prevent and reduce the occurrence of fire accidents at workplace, today the special propagandist from Hunan Xiang'An Fire Service Center, Tang Gao, conducted a fire safety training for every employees at HVR MAG.

At the beginning, Tang explained the importance of fire safety training at workplace.

Then he taught us how to recognize fire hazards around, what to do if there's a fire in the workplace where magnetic platens for quick mold change are manufactured, and how to respond properly in the event of a fire.

Later, he introduced several types of fire extinguishers, and how to use them respectively, and some applicable precautions.

Basic fire-fighting techniques can also help to prevent small fires from becoming big emergencies.

While manufacturing and industrial facilities see higher rates of workplace fires, any industry can experience a fire in the workplace. If our employees know how to identify potential fire hazards, implement regular fire prevention practices, and can respond calmly and effectively in the event of a fire, we can guarantee a greater level of safety for our entire team.

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