How Magnetic Platens Position the Mold in a Quick Mold Change System?

Magnetic quick mold change system in injection molding machine

Among the various components of a magnetic quick mold change system, the magnetic platens play a crucial role in precisely positioning the mold for optimal performance. Let’s delve deeper into how these magnetic platens work to ensure accurate mold positioning.

Component of Magnetic Quick Mold Change Systemmagnetic platens in quick mold change system

A typical magnetic quick mold change system comprises two essential components: a fixed platen and a movable platen. The fixed platen is equipped with a locating ring that boasts an outstanding accuracy of up to 0.05 mm. This locating ring plays a pivotal role in ensuring the proper alignment and positioning of the mold during the mold opening and closing phases. By securely holding the mold in place with high precision, the locating ring on the fixed platen sets the foundation for seamless mold operation.

Detection Fuction

Moreover, one of the standout features of magnetic quick mold change systems is the incorporation of mold dislocation detection mechanisms. These systems continuously monitor the position of the mold throughout the production process. In the event of even a minor shift or displacement of the mold, the machine is programmed to detect this deviation promptly. Once a mold dislocation is identified, the system triggers an immediate stoppage of the machine operation to prevent any potential errors or defects in the production output.magnetic mold clamp for injection molding machine

The magnetic platens leverage powerful magnetic forces to securely hold the mold in place while allowing for swift and precise mold changes. By combining advanced locating mechanisms with real-time monitoring capabilities, these magnetic platens contribute significantly to enhancing the overall efficiency, accuracy, and safety of injection molding processes.


In conclusion, the magnetic platens in a quick mold change system play a critical role in positioning the mold with utmost accuracy and reliability. With their precise locating features and mold dislocation detection capabilities, these magnetic platens ensure smooth mold operations and minimize the risk of errors in the production process. Embracing the technology and innovations of magnetic quick mold change systems can pave the way for enhanced productivity and quality in injection molding applications. For more information, please contact HVR MAG at

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